5 Tips To Set Up Your Mobile App For Success

With roughly 3.8 million apps on the PlayStore and 2 million apps on the AppStore, the app world is no short of ideas and innovation. This recent app rush has motivated many people around the world to try their luck and make fortunes. But making an app and expecting it to return handsome revenue is at best a pipe dream. It’s only a handful of apps at the top that make big bucks. So what is that separates a top-draw app from an ordinary one? And more importantly, how can one take his/her app to the top of the rankings? Find out the answers in this guide.

While Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are the cream of both Google and Apple App Stores, they aren’t everything the app world is all about. There are countless apps and as many ideas expressed through those apps to help people accomplish all sorts of things in their day to day lives. Games, Banking, Productivity, Workout, Meditation, eCommerce, Career or you name it. There are apps for every category of human-interest. The cliche ‘there’s an app for that’ isn’t a fancy phrase without real truth. It’s true to its meaning. 

With so many apps out there and smartphone manufacturers releasing new and highly advanced devices every other year, we are experiencing a real technological evolution that would no doubt reshape our future in ways hard to imagine today. Apps are dolled out on the play stores in their tens and thousands on every single day. Mobile app development companies are witnessing huge demand for their services. But given the cut-throat competition, the question still stands - how do you really make an app that stands out in the crowd? Well, that’s a million dollar question and definitely calls for a more explanatory and detailed answer. But this guide is dedicated exactly to that end. Read on to find out the answer:

1. Solve Some Problem

It’s not like the best apps involve some kind of rocket science or the brilliance of a genius mind. They’re best because they do one thing and do that very well. That said, there are a few more points to keep in mind when thinking up new app ideas. Right off the bat, make sure that the app idea is original. If a similar idea has already been attempted, look to offer a refreshing and improved spin on it. The first mover advantage is worthless if the solution is without any substance. Next, your idea should solve some kind of a problem or entertain, in case it’s a gaming app. Finally, the visual aspect of the app, as well as its user-experience, should be top-draw to give it the best chance of success. If these basics are followed well early on, the going should get easier in the latter stages. 

2. Create A Chain Of Users

Social media apps best manifest the virality aspect of mobile apps. A newly acquired user isn’t just one user, but potentially 50, 100 or whatever number of friends and acquaintances he/she might have. Just consider Facebook. It’s not a whole lot of fun when you’re the only one of your friends using it. Bring them all in and the app becomes highly engaging. Find out what could be a viral feature for your app? Money tracking or Banking apps offer easy cash back or reward points to existing users for inviting new users to the app. So while virality may be associated more with social media apps but it’s certainly not limited to them. 

3. Build For Both Platforms 

For a long time, the decision about the choice of platform was heavily influenced by the Geographical location targeted. Earlier, iOS was dominant and had a greater market share so it became the obvious choice of platform for more business. But with time, Google’s Android has eaten up the ground on iOS and now commands more share than any other mobile platform. So you can no longer ignore Android. Even if your first choice of platform is iOS, go ahead with its development. But as the app gets more users, make Android part of your app plans. 

4. Marketing - The Missing Link 

Don’t make the mistake of burning all your money on building the app with nothing left for marketing. Your app won’t sell itself. It needs promotion, advertising and some kind of buzz both before and after the launch. Once you have the first batch of users, you’ll be in a good place to test the metrics. Learn the value of attracting and retaining each user before committing to any systematic campaigns. Taking help of a specialized marketing firm to handle app promotion is the most reliable route because let’s face it, making sense of a sea of data and stats isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 

5. App Monetization Depends On Your Business’ Standing

While you may be eager to reap the rewards from your app as early as possible, the app monetization decision must be taken with due consideration. Understand your target audience’s social status. Do they mostly use free apps or paid app? In most cases, the app should be released for free at first. If the response is promising, then you can consider throwing in some premium features for a certain fee. A trial version also works best for majority of apps. The idea is to give the users sufficient access to all the app features for a limited time. Once that time has expired, the users would have to purchase the app for continued access. All in all, only the most reputable brands with established identity can justify premium usage right off the bat. 


Mobile app development is tough and even tougher is marketing. In this time and age, one can’t hope to simply relax once they’ve built the app and got it live. Lack of app promotion would result in a poor response from the audience. So you have to make an effective marketing plan to make sure your app reaches its target audience. The decision about app monetization rests heavily on a business’ reputation. For instance, startups won’t have enough leverage to ask for a fee for their app usage. By carefully considering all these different factors, you can make the best decisions to set up your app for maximum success. A premium mobile app development company can help create a roadmap for your app’s rise to the top.

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