Major Reasons To Use Flutter For iOS Development In 2019

These days, Mobile app development agencies look for cross-platform solutions to develop innovative mobile apps. Some companies have a limited budget and a small period to start different apps every day. One such beneficial cross-platform solution is Flutter that is profoundly different from native iOS development. iOS developers must concentrate on this platform to perceive a joyful experience while developing apps.

Flutter: In a Nutshell

Google has developed an open-source mobile app SDK named Flutter with the direction of which developers can use comparable codebase for developing both Android and iOS apps. Since React Native framework is recommended these days, Flutter can resemble to be React Native at first.

However, it gradually offers comprehensive support for native features. This is why big brands nowadays are adopting this constant platform for mobile app development.

You must be curious to know further about this open-source mobile app development platform, right? So, let’s consider how Flutter impacts the native iOS development and why iOS app developers should give it value.

Why Choose Flutter Over Native iOS Development to Develop iOS Apps In 2019

The native iOS development is not appealing for every iOS developer. There are some who have a bad experience and are in search of something new. Flutter is a life saver for them. If you are an open-source developer, you are going to love this platform. Have a glance at the points mentioned below to understand how Flutter is beneficial than native iOS development:

1. Technical Structure

Flutter profoundly distinguishes native iOS development in terms of technical architecture. Apple secretly developed all native iOS development tools whereas Google openly developed its Flutter platform.

Swift programming language is the only exception which you can spot on Apple’s Github. Dart is a programming language developed by Google. Developers can use it to record mobile apps code for Flutter.

There is a variation in terms of IDEs as well. iOS Developers ordinarily do native iOS development in the Xcode whereas the IntelliJ Idea, Android Studio, or a text editor like Sublime or Atom is utilized to develop Flutter applications.

Since all native apps are developed natively utilizing Swift, they are quick and slick. Dart has some cool features like great generics, typing, a rich library, and async-await efficient app building.

However, the Dart system doesn’t require to interact with the native modules. Dart features the great tree shaking compiler that can write the code needed for your application. You are going to lay your hands on a rich library to pick and practice widgets from.

In a nutshell, everything you need for native app development is present in the Flutter platform.

2. Quick Development Concept

Flutter is not a web technology, but it has taken the quick development concept a step ahead. For instance, using conventional compilers are not easy. Hence, you can utilize dynamic scripting languages to endure a good performance of the compiled languages. You can choose Dart as a programming language as it emphasizes a robust system.

Dart has two modes – interpreted and codified styles. Its explained way contributes a great reload experience whereas its consolidated method helps in modeling an application down to native machine code when you are about to originate the app. The extraordinary features of Dart prove that it’s unbelievable for developing mobile apps and having an uncommon experience for Flutter.

3. UI factors

UI development takes an excellent time for iOS developers. The native iOS system allows a UIKit that features complete native support for document, printing, drawing, and animation.
It has all the event-driven user interfaces as well. However, Flutter’s UI components are entirely different than it. To help developers connect in a fast development cycle, Flutter offers the idea of widgets.

So, you can formulate any tricky UI practicing any of these widgets. In addition to this, its stateless widgets and design are not just pixel perfect but also support Cupertino for iOS and sound design widget libraries for Android.

4. Increased Productivity of Developers

This is one of the most beneficial perks of Flutter open-source platform. Being a developer, you understand how much productivity is necessary when you have worked for a startup. And you can immediately find a fantastic transformation after utilizing this platform. It enhances your productivity. There is no necessity of recompiling as you can see the difference immediately after saving it. This improved productivity comes from Google’s hot reload bonuses.

Flutter is distinct from native iOS development as it doesn’t need Gradle, a beneficial tool which is known to develop mobile apps and intrude a quick development cycle. The innovative Hot Reload feature makes Flutter different from other platforms, supporting developers make small significant changes in apps. The speedy and simple Hot Reload process connects designers and developers, helping them form an active collaboration to enhance their app development.

5. Solid Testing Support

XCTest is a native testing framework proposed by Apple for UI testing, integration, performance, and unit of iOS applications. Every year, these frameworks and testing tools get updated. This framework mainly tests native iOS apps with Swift.

But there is a problem with this framework. It lacks some features like the grouping of tests, snapshot tests, and data-driven testing. With this framework, you won’t perceive any native support for mocking and stubbing and this becomes more challenging for a developer during UI testing.

On the other hand, Flutter brings a thorough testing system to support developers to write their tests at the UI level, unit, and the functional level. An exciting feature is Widget testing which assists in running UI tests quickly. Flutter also features quick documentation which reveals how a developer can test Flutter applications at multiple levels with the aid of example code. Flutter comes with an exclusive package named Flutter Driver for performing all these tests.

Which One is The Winner?

Although Flutter is unique in the world of mobile app development, it’s incredible for start-up companies. While developing an app in a short period and a limited budget, this platform is perfect for iOS development. Great UI, faster app building with reduced cost and different customizable features, what else do you want? It makes iOS developers understand that this is an excellent platform for them.

However, It’s hard to announce one as the winner. It ultimately depends on a company’s funds limit, project, and context to engage anyone.

Although Flutter holds some cool features, it’s not perfect yet. It’s still a unique platform and has more form to develop. But Flutter apps look slick and native, and if you are an iOS developer, you can’t ignore this platform. Prediction of the future is next to impossible, but due to its simple yet amazing features, Flutter should be the first choice for any business to develop their iOS app.


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