How To Effectively Increase In-App Purchase

How To Effectively Increase In-App Purchase

If you’re reading this blog, very likely you already own a mobile app. If you’re a newcomer, then no doubt, you’d be quite focused on acquiring a strong user-base for now. But somewhere down the line, you will have to consider possible avenues for app-monetization because let’s face it, no one likes to be the owner of an app that doesn’t make a mint. 

It all starts with offering value. People don’t always know what they want to purchase before opening an app. Many times, it’s simply an exploration process. What they end up buying or not buying depends on their overall user experience with the app. But the longer you’re able to keep a user engaged the more chances of getting some favorable response from them. Read on to learn some powerful tricks to boost your in-app purchase. 

1. Get users glued to the app 

For how long a user stays on your app has a huge bearing on the overall app conversion. What your app is about and what all it has to offer should be evident from the main screen. There should be little or no guess work and the whole user-experience should be pleasing and satisfactory in every sense. While some of user-engagement has to do with the nature of your service or the problem you’re trying to solve, there a variety of ways in which that experience can be elevated for eg. through the use of creative call to actions, smooth navigation and compelling designs. 

2. Employ the Old Predictably Irrational’ Pricing Strategy 

You must have come across ads where a service-providers offers a few subscription plans to choose from

Bronze Plan - $60
Platinum - $70(Bronze + Additional Privileges)
Gold - $75(Platinum+Premium Benefits)

Now someone who sees his/her needs fulfilled in the Bronze plan won’t ponder too long and opt into that plan. But for someone who’s looking at the advantages of the Platinum plan, things get a little interesting. Right after the Platinum, there’s the gold plan at a relatively similar price but supposedly maximum benefits. Maximum number of people would no doubt go for the gold plan given and that’s a clever marketing trick many news publications have been employing for a very long time. See if you can come up with a similar business model in your mobile app. 

3. Keep Freemium To Drive Premium Sales 

Offering users a taste of what your full-suit of services are about is a great way to increase conversions. A great example is the Meditation app. It offers the users a free 7 days Meditation guide. Each lesson teaches a different aspect of meditation every day in a very intuitive way. By the end of the 7th day, the voice-instructor describes more ways of meditation and how users can further enhance their concentration lever, get better sleep and attain mental peace through them. The fact that the Freemium model offers as good an experience as a user might expect from the Premium becomes a strong selling point. The user can trust the app, its owner, and consider purchasing the Premium model.


App monetization planning should begin as early as possible. However, some people go overboard and set big plans of monetization right from the idea-conceptualization stage. That is a mistake as you don’t yet know what your target audience is like, their shopping behavior, taste, and preferences. An app’s Freemium model allows you to understand that. An expert mobile application development company can help you devise a powerful in-app purchase model that will drastically improve your overall sales.

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